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We support projects that improve health outcomes and increase access to care here in the Palmetto State. Explore the BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation grant programs in more detail.

We have 2 cycles for grant applications a year.

Learn how our application process works.

Learn More Apply

We have a unique position as a statewide health funder that allows us to support select systemic population health issues and approaches across South Carolina.

Our Values

  • We look to partner with grantees to both increase effectiveness towards better health outcomes and contribute to organizational and programmatic sustainability.
  • We seek to support efforts that represent community and statewide priorities that are locally determined, culturally relevant and data-informed solutions.
  • We support efforts that generate data, connect learning to action, and use data for continuous improvement.
  • We recognize that improving health is complex and is influenced as much by one's environment as it is by the individual, therefore we look to have an array of projects that are designed to provide direct care to the economically vulnerable and address policy, systems and environmental changes.
  • We prioritize efforts that will support future generations of South Carolinians.
  • We are a catalytic funder, supporting projects as they gain sustainability by leveraging funds from key partners and we value innovative projects that can expand to multiple geographic areas in South Carolina.

Areas We Fund and Core 4 Health Priorities

Health Priority Grants fund programs and initiatives that are closely aligned with our Core 4 priorities and other Areas We Fund, both of which are listed in the following sections.

Core 4 Health Priorities

Most, but not all, of the Foundation's funding falls within these broad health categories.

Referred to as the Core 4, these priorities are of heightened interest to us, especially as we seek to improve health outcomes and decrease health disparities by supporting community partners across the Palmetto State.

Oral Health

Improving the oral health care system by increasing access, enhancing workforce development and supporting quality and innovation

More About Oral Health

Mental Health

Building resilience and well-being for youth and families by strengthening the mental health workforce, improving quality and coordination of mental health care and enhancing collaboration in communities to support families

More About Mental Health


In partnership with Diabetes Free SC, we're aligning the efforts of diabetes-focused community partners across the Palmetto State

More About Diabetes

Social Determinants of Health

Supporting ways in which health care, public health and social sector stakeholders can take a coordinated action to address individual, community and structural determinants of health equity

More About Social Determinants of Health

Areas We Fund

Access to Care

  • Support safety net providers to provide primary physical and mental health care
  • Implement evidence-based or innovative models to increase accessibility of health care services

Building a Stronger Workforce for Health

  • Support projects to increase the number of health care professionals
  • Support health care career development through evidence-based or innovative approaches to advance skills

Improving the Quality and Value of Health and Health Care

  • Quality improvement projects that yield cost and resource efficiencies through innovative approaches and solutions

Investing in the Health and Well-Being of South Carolina Children and Families

  • Support projects that foster environments and settings that encourage healthy eating and active lifestyles
  • Support projects that focus on the integration of mental health and adverse childhood experiences
  • Support projects that focus on population health improvement through intentional collaboration across multiple sectors to connect the non-health factors that influence health

Research and Special Projects

  • Support projects to inform, influence and support our Areas of Focus and our Mission. These projects may fall outside of an established area of focus yet would generate value-added information relevant to the health needs of the economically vulnerable population in South Carolina

Additional Questions about grants?

Explore FAQs

Grant Program Details

If your organization meets the Grant Eligibility requirements, and your proposed project corresponds with our Core 4 priorities or Areas We Fund, then we invite you to explore the application process using the "How to Apply" button.

Applicants, please also take a moment to note the following funding restrictions.

How to Apply

Meet past grant recipients

Explore recipients of Foundation funding from previous grant cycles.

Past Grant Recipients

Get in Touch

Questions about the Foundation? Reach out to our team.

Phone: 803-788-0222

If you would like to contact one of our staff members directly, you can find their contact information on our Staff page. Prefer to send a message through our website? Fill out the webform on our contact page.
